Star Wars: Rogue One - 10 Major Reveals From The Celebration Europe Panel

9. Jyn's A Unique Star Wars Protagonist In A Very Interesting Way

Rogue One Jyn Erso

Jyn Erso is shaping up to be a very unique Star Wars protagonist; she's not a Skywalker for one, but her rebellious ways, too strong for even the Alliance, make her, if anything, more of an anti-hero.

It goes more granular than that though. According to Jones, the big difference is that unlike trilogy heroes like Luke and Rey (no love for Anakin?), we know where she came from; the question isn't "who is she?", it's "what is her purpose?" This plays into Saw's "What will you become?" line from the first trailer and really chimes with the suggestion of Rogue One exploring the greater weight of war.

And, in the exclusive Celebration trailer, played after the panel, we saw a scene of a young girl running from an Imperial shuttle, likely Jyn's childhood; we really will know who she is.


Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.