Star Wars: Rogue One - 10 Things That Will Happen

9. The Entire Squad Dies

Star Wars Rogye One Bacta Tank Vader

With a batch of brand new characters, the debate over their survival past the movie has been a major topic of discussion. Given the timeline of Rogue One, it's a safe bet what the fate will be for the entire squad.

While most the film will be an action packed adventure, the majority of the carnage and grit will take place during the pivotal battle of Scarif. Much of the film will focus on building up the Rogue One squad and getting the audience emotionally invested. Most, if not all of the cast, will make it to the final act of the movie where they will sacrifice their lives for the cause.

The emotional meat of Rogue One will focus on Jyn Erso and her relationship with her father Galen, who was taken by the Empire when she was a young child. She will eventually be surrounded by the rest of the squad fans have seen during the promotion of the film. In only makes sense they will all serve a sacrificial purpose and meet their doom by the end, establishing their legacies within the franchise..


“We don’t stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing.” - George Bernard Shaw