Star Wars: Rogue One - 10 Things That Will Happen

8. Deliberate Death Star Weakness Revealed

Star Wars Rogye One Bacta Tank Vader

Fans have long lamented the thermal exhaust port; a clear design flaw to the original Death Star. How could such a technically superior weapon lead to such a simple means of destruction? While odd in practicality, it proved to give fans one of the most thrilling scenes in cinematic history.

Here in the present, all can be course corrected. The relationship between Jyn and her father will be a strong narrative of Rogue One. The trailers and TV spots has replayed the dialogue in which Galen tells his daughter everything he does, he does for her.

Galen will create and leave this design flaw for Jyn and the Rebel Alliance to discover. There's no way one of the masterminds behind this weapon would overlook such a simple imperfection. Galen will use his daughter to help get the technical data to the Rebellion so they can exploit this feature and destroy the weapon.


“We don’t stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing.” - George Bernard Shaw