Star Wars: Rogue One - 12 Big Questions We're Asking After The First Trailer

1. Or Could She Be Rey's Mother?

Star Wars Rogue One trailer Royal Guards

Let the theorising begin! 

Rey's parentage is still the big mystery in the Star Wars universe at the moment. Although the strong belief is that Luke is her father, the idenity of her mother isn't spoken about as much. The casting of Laura Dern in Episode VIII hints at it, but the idea of Felicity Jones' Jyn being Rey's mother is a plausible one. 

She'd be around the right age, as Felicity Jones is a few years older than Luke when he first appeared in Star Wars, but could conceivably be playing someone a good few years younger. There's also the similarities between the two characters, the loners ready for a fight (and that scene of Jyn fighting with a baton mirrors Rey with her staff on Jakku). And Jyn not having the Force wouldn't matter if Luke is the father. 

Of course, there are some problems with this, mostly what the hell happened to Jyn for her to disappear from the Rebel Alliance immediately after, but then appear again years later to meet Luke, give birth to Rey, and disappear again? Also, there's a good chance she could die in this movie, which would be a way of definitively ending this theory. 

Still, it's fun to think about. Only 8 months to go... 

What questions are you asking after the Rogue One teaser? Let us know in the comments. 


NCTJ-qualified journalist. Most definitely not a racing driver. Drink too much tea; eat too much peanut butter; watch too much TV. Sadly only the latter paying off so far. A mix of wise-old man in a young man's body with a child-like wonder about him and a great otherworldly sensibility.