Star Wars: Rogue One - 16 Major Details Lucasfilm Just Revealed

3. Toys Are Important (Again)

Star Wars Rogue One 2

It looks like toys are going to be important in Rogue One. No, I don't mean all the merchandise (although that's already played its part, revealing characters ahead of time), but in-world play-things. No, seriously.

This shot of a Deathtrooper has him holding a little stormtrooper doll. Cute, yes, but the thing is, the article says this isn't just some nice lived-in-world flavour; that doll will have some importance, thematic or otherwise, to the story. How it doesn't say, but let the speculation commence.

What's so odd about this is that it means Rogue One be the second Star Wars movie in a row to do this; Rey had a homemade rebel pilot figure in her felled AT-AT in The Force Awakens. There is was a symbol of her self-sustained isolation and a hint at her hopes and dreams. Does the stormtrooper doll signify the same thing for one of our characters, linking the stand-alone to the Episode? Maybe, although what I'd rather see is a galaxy where some people are so pro-Empire they make action figures for their kids; we've never seen anything from their side with positivity, after all.


Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.