Star Wars: Rogue One - 16 Major Details Lucasfilm Just Revealed

4. Jyn IS In Disguise

Star Wars Rogue One 2

In the aftermath of the Rogue One teaser, one of the strangest things an awful lot of people jumped on was the idea that Jyn was going to "turn to the Dark Side" - she was seen wearing an Imperial costume (most likely that of a TIE Fighter pilot) as Forest Whitaker asks "who will you become?" Fair enough, that's pretty leading, but given how the previous ninety seconds had been all about the questioning of morals wasn't it just tricksy editing?

The EW report confirms it was just that - she's in disguise as part of the mission, most likely to infiltrate that beach base, a homage to Luke and Han on the Death Star in the original film. A character switching sides or being a double agent isn't out of the realms of possibility, but anything approach an Anakin-style turn would feel incredibly out of place.

In the same image reveal, Kennedy states Jyn "becomes a kind of Joan of Arc in the story.” And we all know how things ended for her...


Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.