Star Wars: Rogue One Trailer Breakdown - 34 Things You Need To See
21. Chirrut Saves Jyn
Now we get a proper look at Donnie Yen's blind swordfighter, as well as hear him speak. And what a line: "All is as the Force wills it". Rogue One may not show any Jedi (Sith is a different matter), but it will touch on the Force. Not only are we in Jedha, but Chirrut has some affinity with the mystical energy field, able to use it to make up for his lack of sight.
He's bloody good at what he does, managing to to avoid blaster bolts and take down a squadron of Stormtroopers. He's so quick the guy in the background hasn't even turned round yet. Also note the crashed ship in the background - that's probably an X-Wing, suggesting this comes in the middle of a bigger sequence.
Good thing he's there too, because he saves Jyn and Cassian from an Imperial entanglement (they're shackled here). As it's a blaster shot, that must mean he's managed to trick a Stormtrooper into shooting on one of their own. Very cool.
So... badass...