Star Wars: Rogue One Trailer Breakdown - 34 Things You Need To See

17. Krennic Surveys His Target

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And now we get to see inside the ship, with Director Krennic walking through a crowd of Imperials (flanked by Deathtroopers) ahead of targeting Jedha.

I suggested yesterday the planet could be Tatooine, but given its part in the plot that seems unlikely. It also has a single sun (hence the eclipse), so that really rules it out. Could still be Jakku though.

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Ben Mendelsohn is in Star Wars. I could gush about how amazing he looks as the film's villain here, but I think that sentence suffices.

Over this Jyn says "Every day they grow stronger," which chimes with Saw's earlier statements that this Empire is one still on the rise.


Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.