Star Wars Sequel Trilogy: 12 Missed Opportunities We'll NEVER Get Over

2. Wasting A Phenomenal New Cast

Star Wars The Rise of Skywalker Finn Poe Rey

It cannot be overstated how much of a miracle getting this new cast so spot on truly was.

They had so much to live up to; so much to be compared to, and yet Rey, Finn and Poe were loveable right out the gate.

Sadly... that's where things went pear-shaped.

Daisy Ridley is an incredible talent. A charming as hell screen presence with infectious charm that can sell emotional swerves in a heartbeat, the culmination of her character never comes. Acting-wise it's probably the showdown against Kylo at the close of TLJ, but character-wise... there's no payoff to what would be decades of agonising over her own purpose and the idea of the Force, Luke Skywalker existing, her role at the centre of everything and so on.

Rey on paper is a frustratingly limited Luke clone with extra Force powers, and we only have Ridley's sheer watchability to thank over empty scripts.

John Boyega gets it worse as I've mentioned earlier, and Oscar Isaac - a seasoned vet of the big screen, but still a dynamic talent and easy leading man - gets resigned to a "flyboy" or faux-scoundrel in The Last Jedi/Rise of Skywalker, after only appearing in a handful of scenes in Force Awakens.

Point being that although these guys are amazing in group interviews and away from the films, on screen their group dynamic is non-existent, because they only function as a unit in the final film, and it's all way too rushed in the first place.

To squander not only your returning actors but all the new ones too? That's one hell of a feat, Disney.

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