Star Wars Sequel Trilogy: 12 Missed Opportunities We'll NEVER Get Over

1. Not Planning Anything Meaningful And Failing To Justify Your Existence

star wars rey

What it will always come down to: Money.

See, Disney purchased Lucasfilm from George Lucas whilst he was creating his version of Episode VII. George's plan was to sell Lucasfilm after that movie was completed, but after Disney made an offer, everything changed.

Lucas reportedly left his ideas with Disney and became more of a consultant, with Disney instead discarding everything, wiping out scores of the Extended Universe novels, and even ditching an in-progress script from Michael Arndt, replacing it with J.J. Abrams and Lawrence Kasdan's.

The resultant time crunch resulted in playing everything SUPER safe, and the Episode VII we got apparently came with some rough outlines for VIII and IX, but they too were discarded when Rian Johnson came along.

Point being: Disney never had an MCU Kevin Feige-type individual to oversee everything. If the three film plan did exist in SOME form, it wasn't adhered to when Johnson was allowed to write AND direct the second instalment, which then backfires more when JJ has to return and pick up the pieces.

Across this whole process the movies have been rushed to make money as fast as possible on a two year cycle, with interstitial movies like Rogue One and Solo filling the gaps. Nothing more, nothing less.

In the end, "Disney's Star Wars" sure did make a STUPID amount of cash, but looking back, can you honestly say it justified a whole new set of core Episodes?


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