Star Wars: Solo - 10 New Details Lucasfilm Just Revealed

2. Han's Dreams

Han Solo Alden Ehrenreich

How did Han Solo become the Han Solo that we know and love? That's something this movie is going to take a look at, with Alden Ehrenreich telling EW:

"I think the main thing that’s different is that the Han we meet in this film is more of an idealist, he has certain dreams that he follows, and we watch how it affects him as those dreams meet new realities, realities that are harder and more challenging than he’d expected."

Ehrenreich obviously can't say exactly what those dreams are, but we do get some hints: a guy who wants to escape the underworld he was born into, and hopes to become the greatest pilot in the galaxy (both goals he does, eventually, achieve).

Ehrenreich does confirm that Han meets Lando (and L3) for the first time in the movie, although won't give anything else away about their relationship other than it's quite multifaceted, while Lawrence Kasdan says of the movie's other big relationship: "To me, this is a love story between Han and Chewie."

Again, we will see how that forms - it looks like being similar to the EU, where Han saves Chewie from an Imperial officer - and Ehrenreich says that "trust doesn’t come easily, and both of them are very strong-willed."


NCTJ-qualified journalist. Most definitely not a racing driver. Drink too much tea; eat too much peanut butter; watch too much TV. Sadly only the latter paying off so far. A mix of wise-old man in a young man's body with a child-like wonder about him and a great otherworldly sensibility.