Star Wars: Solo Trailer 2 Reactions - 8 Ups & 3 Downs

1. Alden Ehrenreich's Han

Han Solo Alden Ehrenreich

Given the suggestions of added acting lessons and a vague unhappiness with the progress in his performance, it's somewhat inevitable that there might have been some reservations when it came to accepting Alden Ehrenreich as Han Solo.

But everything we've seen in the trailers so far should have arrested those concerns comfortably - particularly in terms of him being able to capture some of what Harrison Ford brought to the role originally. If you put Ehrenreich's Han beside Ford's, the crucial thing is that you can easily see how the former could evolve into the latter.

Sure, the younger version is a little more fresh-faced and enthusiastic, but there's an almost genetic similarity there that goes well beyond vocal tics. We finally have a sense of him feeling like a true young Han, which has been pretty painfully missing from the marketing for some reason.

In short, there's no reason to worry that he'll be the element that lets the film down, no matter how much you love Harrison Ford.

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