Star Wars: The 11 Actors Who Played Darth Vader

1. David Prowse - The Man In The Suit

Star Wars Darth Vader Actors

The man in suit throughout the Original Trilogy, David Prowse had already been known to UK audiences as The Green Cross Man, a mascot for road safety, but it would be using his massive stature for evil that would provide his most iconic role.

Although he could easily be dismissed as a basic man in a suit, Prowse put a lot of effort into his performance, working to give the character subtle tics and at points lamenting he didn't get the best point across.

Prowse originally believed he was going to be providing the voice for the character too, but (shockingly) a West Country accent didn't really fit an intergalactic man of evil.

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Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.