Star Wars: The Force Awakens: 10 Biggest Rumours You Need To Know (Nov 13)

9. This Is What Supreme Leader Snoke Looks Like

There goes the final character design mystery. One intrepid detective at Indie Revolver has apparently seen (and inevitably leaked) the final design for Supreme Leader Snoke, the villainous character Andy Serkis has mo-capped who had thus far remained under wraps. Basically, he's a snake with massive hands. Rating: 5/10 Well, we've already been told that the mysterious leader will have distinctly serpentine looks with references to a cobra's head, so that would fit this new supposed leak. But that could just mean that some fan has taken the supposedly leaked description and painted their own version of how the character will appear. Or it could be redundant early concept art: Serkis did tell EW that the design evolved throughout the shoot, and there's a very good chance that any concept art doing the rounds is outdated. What is clear is that Serkis' character won't look particularly human (or what's the point in mo-capping when the film is so keenly committed to practical effects?), so there's definitely something intriguing here.

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