Star Wars: The Force Awakens: 10 Biggest Rumours You Need To Know (Nov 13)

4. Finn Rescues Lando

Though there hasn't been a massive amount of plot information released alongside the three main trailers, the shear number of shots suggests a broad reading of the plot, starting with Finn turning his back on the Empire and giving up his job as a Stormtrooper. The revelations of the Entertainment Weekly feature dedicated to the film have added to that plot. They confirmed not only that Finn was basically a child soldier, but also that he encounters Poe Dameron after he is captured by the Empire. So, the reasonable suggestion is that Finn helps rescue Poe after he is interrogated by Kylo Ren. Could Poe be the reason Finn turns his back on the Empire? Rating: 10/10 The image definitely confirms that Finn helps Poe escape, but it's unclear where this happens in the timeline. Is this before Finn's escape? Or does he use his knowledge of Kylo Ren's ship to disguise himself again to rescue Poe? The unsure look on Dameron's face suggests he doesn't yet know to trust Finn, but the fact that Poe is wearing the same jacket Finn seems to get after he lands on Jakku suggests it's at a later point. But then maybe Finn gets Poe to disguise himself as a stormtrooper and escape in a TIE Fighter, before his own is shot down, and somehow Finn ends up with his clothes? It's all very confusing.

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