Star Wars: The Force Awakens - 10 Deleted Scenes Which Would've Made It Perfect

9. A New Double Bladed Lightsaber

One of the many books released about Star Wars: The Force Awakens has revealed that Kylo Ren's lightsaber houses a damaged crystal, with the crossguard blades actually vents to release some of the power which is surging from it. It's a very unique creation, but the movie very nearly featured a lightsaber which would have paid homage in a way to pretty much the only thing people loved about The Phantom Menace. That is of course Darth Maul and his double bladed lightsaber, but this one would have been made up of two different colours; red and blue. Originally intended for Kylo Ren, this lightsaber would have no doubt been an effective way of portraying the fact that he was struggling to choose between the Light and Dark sides of himself, albeit one which was perhaps dropped because it was a little too on the nose. It would have fitted into the story nicely though, especially as the planet which housed the Starkiller Base was originally going to have an active volcano on it. The idea of using fire and ice as a theme was prevelant early on, and seeing as Abrams made such good use of red and blue in the movie, it actually would have been nice to see all of these included in order to make this theme an even bigger visual component here.

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