Star Wars: The Force Awakens - 10 Fan-Favourite Lines That Will Definitely Return

2. €œA Long, Long Time Ago In A Galaxy Far, Far Away€

Past Uses: 6 times so far. Who Should Say It: No-one There's just no way it won't appear as the opening shot. Never have ten little words carried so much meaning in film history: the excitement for seeing them on screen and the impending screen scroller is palpable already to the extent that a list of most anticipated scenes of the year's remaining movies would undoubtedly feature it. Take a minute to consider that: a pre-title screen with no importance narratively and no revelatory impact at all is one of The Force Awakens most anticipated moments. That's positive brand saturation for you right there. Yeah, so, it's just not a question.

WhatCulture's former COO, veteran writer and editor.