Star Wars: The Force Awakens - 10 "Mind-Boggling Twist" Theories

8. ...Or He's Killing The Force Himself

If the Knights Of Ren sequence shown in the "final" trailer is indeed a flashback as suggested, there's a chance that the 30 year period following Return Of The Jedi is defined by further persecution for what remains of the Jedi order. There is some suggestion that the Knights are specifically designed to be Jedi hunters, and their relentless pursuit of Luke could be what drives him into exile and twists his mind into believing that the only way to bring balance to the Force is to have it die with him to protect the next generation of his family from the Empire. Any Evidence? The title suggests that the Force awakens in someone, with suggestions that it refers to either Finn or Rey or Kylo Ren or all of the above. But it could just as feasibly also refer to Luke, whose exile and abandonment of the ways of the Force for its own preservation would require an awakening to deal with the Empire's rising threat.


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