Star Wars: The Force Awakens - 10 "Mind-Boggling Twist" Theories

6. There Are Other Jedi

What if Luke Skywalker isn't the last Jedi? What if Order 66 wasn't quite as effective as was once thought and Yoda and Obi-Wan weren't the only Jedis to escape across the universe? There are three pertinent possibilities: either Luke has built a Jedi training camp and assumed the mantle of Star Wars' Professor X figure, or Max Von Sydow's Lor San Tekka is a Jedi hiding in plain sight (like Ben Kenobi) on Jakku, or Maz Kanata is a Force sensitive character. Any Evidence? The concept art that initially revealed Von Sydow's mysterious character showed very conspicuously Jedi-like robes, and the suggestion that he has key knowledge that will lead Poe Dameron to find Luke Skywalker further suggests he's "plugged in" to the Force. Meanwhile, Maz Kanata's powerful eyes (which allegedly give her sight beyond sight) and the fact that she too is used as a consultant suggests she's the new trilogy's version of Yoda. And how else would her powers (if she does legitimately have them) be explained if not by the Force?

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