Star Wars: The Force Awakens - 10 "Mind-Boggling Twist" Theories

5. Luke Is Kylo Ren's (And Rey's) Father

Family ties have traditionally been the big news in Star Wars twists, and having the villain revealed to be the son of the character whose father was the villain Added to that, the idea that Kylo Ren and Rey are brother and sister would also mirror Luke and Leia, and bring the family element full circle. Any Evidence? For Rey, it all comes back to Han's presence at Maz Kanata's pirate base with Rey where the Elder tells her she's "seen her eyes" before, and the fact that Rey has the Millennium Falcon. It would simply be too silly for Han to be in the presence of his daughter and for Kanata not to simply reveal it more overtly in conversation, and it would be downright ridiculous for Solo to lose the Falcon and for it to accidentally fall into the possession of his own exiled daughter. Narrative contrivance is one thing, but not even George Lucas would have been that blatant. So that leaves the possibility of her father being someone else. And for Kylo Ren, his use of the words "our destiny" when addressing Lord Vader suggests he believes himself to be Vader's heir. Putting aside the suggestion that that might simply be based on his own arrogance, the idea of another pair of twins who are split up and removed from their mysterious father would be the most Star Wars echo that could possibly happen.

WhatCulture's former COO, veteran writer and editor.