Star Wars: The Force Awakens – 10 Mythology Aspects That Must Be Explored Further

1. Discovery And Mysteries Of The Force

This is what binds the entire Star Wars universe together; The Force. In many ways, the Force IS Star Wars. Yes, the tale is a classic "good vs. evil" space opera and yes, there is definitely more to Star Wars than just the Force. But the Force is what has set in motion the events that are encapsulated within the saga. Without it, there would undoubtedly still be war, but, it likely would not be of the same magnitude that transpired. The question really is though, what IS the Force? It's well known that it is an energy that "surrounds us and penetrates us." We know it is what gives the Jedi (and Sith) their power. It is all very metaphysical and quasi-religious, but it has never been properly explained nor explored beyond scratching the surface. How was the Force discovered and eventually exploited? Who were the first to employ its powers and pass it on to others? Surely there must be some form of history recorded that subsequent generations of Jedi could refer to and learn about its origins and strength. If there IS a Force then it will compel J.J. Abrams to give fans a window into the history of the strongest power in the Star Wars universe. What else do you want to see explored further in the upcoming Star Wars movies? Share your thoughts below in the comments thread.
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A self professed Stephen King/Star Wars geek and pop culture neophyte, Scott tends to spend much of his time alone pondering life's greatest mysteries.....he also depends heavily on his son Liam, a great sounding board, to set him straight on Star Wars issues and gives him advice on what EXACTLY he's doing wrong.