Star Wars: The Force Awakens - 10 Reasons The Haters Are Dead Wrong

2. Han Doesn't Get The Death He Deserves

The Force Awakens€™ ad campaign put Han Solo front and centre for one simple reason: he€™s a universally beloved fan favourite. Han€™s death in the new feature rankled some fans who took issue with how Han met his demise, with some claiming it fell completely flat; Stephanie Zacharek of Time Magazine even wrote a piece venting about how badly the scene missed the mark. Now, c'mon. On a base level, Han€™s death added invaluable dramatic heft to The Force Awakens and made sure the movie hit fans in the feels; and it was perfectly conceived. Abrams decided Kylo Ren€™s villainy needed to pack a wallop to make him a standout antagonist. If none of the original trilogy stars fell to The First Order, Abrams believed The Force Awakens "wouldn€™t have any guts at all"; so he upped the dramatic stakes. While it was sad to see Han go, his demise ultimately made The Force Awakens a better, more poignant film and expanded its future.

I'm YA writer who loves pulp and art house films. I admire films that try to do something interesting.