Star Wars: The Force Awakens - 10 Simple Explanations That Would Have Improved The Film

9. What Went On With The Whole "Han Finding The Millennium Falcon" Thing?

One of the more muddled moments in The Force Awakens concerns Han Solo and his rediscovering of the Millennium Falcon. Quite frankly, the whole scenario needed a far better explanation than the one that was offered up in the film, in which - after searching for his trademark ship for years - everybody's favourite smuggler stumbles upon it the moment that Rey hijacks it and leaves Jakku. As Rey and Finn try to escape in Han's ship, they're brought onto another, bigger ship, which we're led to believe is, like, Han's new freighter. But it's never made properly clear what is happening during these scenes; the characters move between the freighter and the Falcon, and then a bunch of scumbags - looking for Han - somehow board. Firstly, it's a moment of super coincidence that Han manages to find the Falcon so quickly. Secondly, the scenes are inherently confusing - a better (and more thorough) explanation as to what was going on here wouldn't have gone amiss.

Sam Hill is an ardent cinephile and has been writing about film professionally since 2008. He harbours a particular fondness for western and sci-fi movies.