Star Wars: The Force Awakens - 10 Things Everybody Missed In The New Trailer

1. Han And Chewie Are Aiming At Someone

If the first teaser ending with the Millennium Falcon flying into action to the Main Theme was an intoxicating reminder that Star Wars was returning, the climax of the second was the emotional confirmation; Han Solo and Chewie, back on the Millennium Falcon, with the former extolling that they're "home". Although it's been a thing for years, finally seeing Harrison Ford back in character made the whole Sequel Trilogy enterprise feel properly real, rather than some vague fan wish. It's so awesome as a singular concept, with such heavy layers of nostalgia, that it's easy to miss something here that's pointing right at your face, literally; the pair are both aiming their guns at someone. The duo are stood in the Falcon's corridors, judging by the lights just outside the cockpit, meaning they're tackling someone who's commandeered their ship. This sheds some light on the "home" comment - they seem to reclaiming the ship from some ne'er-do-well - but in doing so asks more questions. How long has Solo been without his pride and joy? And who's flying the ship during the Jakku spaceship graveyard dogfight - Han or the other pilot? Fingers crossed that the next trailer gives a few answers. What other hidden gems were there in the second tease for Star Wars: The Force Awakens? Share any we missed down in the comments.

Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.