Star Wars: The Force Awakens - 10 Things Everybody Missed In The New Trailer

2. A Super Star Destroyer

There's been some debate over what ship the Millennium Falcon, in a continuation of the dogfight on Jakku seen at the end of the previous teaser, is flying into. Suggestions vary from a Star Destroyer (too small) to a Rebel Blockade Runner (way too small), to a totally new cruiser. Well, it's none of those (although the Star Destroyer suggestion is rather close) - it's an upended Super Star Destroyer. The placement of the engines don't fit that of the standard Star Destroyer, but the shape of the exhausts is still typical of Imperial design (possibly one of the geekiest sentences ever written). Considering the other sets of three exhausts in the distance (which, although at first look to be a different ship, are clearly attached to the same super-structure) and the sheer scale of the beast, there's few other alternatives. An expanded view of the shot all but confirms this, with the tip of the cruiser's wing visible beyond the second set of exhausts. As if that incredible shot of a Star Destroyer jutting out of the sand wasn't enough, the presence of a giant of the Imperial fleet (it's eight times the length of a normal Destroyer) confirms the Battle of Jakku was something seismic indeed. Star Wars: Battlefront players are in for a treat.

Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.