Star Wars: The Force Awakens - 10 Things You Need To Know

9. Andy Serkis May Be The Big Bad

Lucasfilm For a very long time, Andy Serkis' role in Star Wars: The Force Awakens was a mystery. Rumours pointed to everything from as many as two minor motion capture roles to him playing the lead villain, and while specific details on the character he's going to star as are still scarce, we now at least have a name which gives us an idea of his allegiance. Serkis will play Supreme Leader Snoke, a very villainous sounding moniker. The look on his face in the image above (which first appeared in Vanity Fair) also doesn't seem particularly heroic! As a "Supreme Leader", Serkis is obviously going to be in charge of something, and with Kylo Ren seemingly a Sith in The Force Awakens, Snoke being his master makes sense. After all, there really aren't any other ideal candidates for that role, especially as Max von Sydow - an actor who many assumed would be a villain when he was first cast - has widely been rumoured to be an ally of Rey's on Jakku. Of course, there have been rumours that Ren isn't a Sith and that he's instead some sort of collector of Sith artefacts, so the usual Master/Apprentice relationship we're used to seeing in these movies might be absent, at least in the traditional way. For example, he could decide to take on an apprentice of his own or that whole concept could just be abandoned after the fall of Darth Vader and The Emperor.

Josh Wilding hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.