Star Wars: The Force Awakens - 12 Reasons It's Better Than The Prequels

11. The Original Trilogy Characters Weren't Ruined

The prequels unforgivably ruined several fan-favorite characters from the original trilogy. They turned Anakin Skywalker into an annoying, whiny teenager, but never once showed the heroic yet flawed military leader that The Clone Wars series perfectly managed. Boba Fett was no longer one of the coolest guys in the galaxy; wise old Yoda, who preached about how €œsize matters not€ and €œluminous beings are we, not this crude matter€, pulls out a lightsaber and does CGI flips in the prequels, completely betraying his underlying beliefs. And although Obi-Wan wasn€™t ruined per se, his character wasn€™t improved in any way in Episodes I-III as Ewan McGregor essentially replicated Alec Guinness€™s performance. The Force Awakens could have easily fallen into this same trap, specifically failing to progress Han, Luke, and Leia in any way, but they were perfectly handled. Luke has a new complex backstory, and Leia has risen through the ranks to become a General, but her relationship with Han hasn€™t worked out, because of course it wouldn€™t. But the best example of this is Han Solo€™s story. Han initially seems to be right where he left off in the original movies, off on a smuggling adventure with Chewie, but it€™s revealed that in the past thirty years, he has raised a child with Leia, watched that child turn to the dark side, and essentially regressed to what he best knew how to do. This was a very interesting and tragic turn for the fan-favorite scoundrel. He then served a very important role in this film, helping our heroes and attempting to bring back his son from the darkness, but ultimately failing and dying. It allowed us to see more depth to Han Solo than we have ever seen, and it made the movie so much better.

Systems Engineer by day. Writer of movie articles by night.