Star Wars: The Force Awakens - 12 Reasons It's Better Than The Prequels

10. The Force Is Mystical Again

One of the most popular ideas of the original Star Wars films was the idea of The Force as faith-based dogma and the idea that the spiritual will always dominate over the physical. The Force taught us that there€™s more to this world than meets the eye, and that sometimes people need to let go and trust in their instincts and feelings. However, the prequels infamously tarnished this by introducing €œmidichlorians€. Instead of The Force being a magical and mystical force that can be practiced and developed over time through training, it was turned into genetic cells. Although The Clone Wars tried to rectify this error by explaining how midichlorians are just an attempt to explain and justify The Force using their own science (which is actually a pretty interesting idea), it was too late; the damage was done. The title of The Force Awakens did not lie, as the titular spiritual concept was not only reawakened in the plot of the story, but it was also reestablished to be the mystical energy field it was always meant to be. There is no mention of midichlorians, and the entire sequence with Maz Kanata and Rey€™s cryptic dream sequences just screamed classic Star Wars. All throughout the film, Rey gradually used The Force more and more, until she truly believed in the epic lightsaber duel and was able to use it to its full potential.

Systems Engineer by day. Writer of movie articles by night.