Star Wars: The Force Awakens - 23 Major New Reveals You Need To See

14. The Same Old Solo

By far one of the most interesting reveals in the recent trailer and TV spot for Star Wars: The Force Awakens was Han explaining to Finn and Rey that everything they've heard about the Force is true. While it's not a surprise that he would have come a believer in the years following the events of A New Hope, many fans shocked at the prospect of the roguish character taking on an Alec Guinness as Obi-Wan type of role here. Well, fear not, as Harrison Ford explains that Han is still very much the character we all grew up loving. "There€™s not an abandoning of the character,€ the actor explained in response to recent concerns from fans of the Star Wars franchise. €œHe does not aspire to the position of Obi-€˜Ben€™ Kenobi, nor do I aspire to be some New Age Alec Guinness. His development is consistent with the character, and there are emotional elements which have occasioned his growth. There€™s a lot of the rogue still left in Solo. Some things don€™t change."

Josh Wilding hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.