Star Wars: The Force Awakens - 23 Major New Reveals You Need To See

7. BB-8 Has Facial Expressions

Since the moment he was first revealed, BB-8 has emerged as a real fan-favourite from Star Wars: The Force Awakens and a toy which has sold out months before Christmas (good luck with that, parents). Like R2-D2, the noises made by BB-8 do give off an idea of his or her emotions, but it turns out that the movie found an even better way to achieve that; they gave BB-8 facial expressions! "You could move one component and the face would start to have a slight sad look about it or slightly aggressive," explains Scanlan. €œYou want them to be able to talk to you before they move. And if they can do that, then the movement adds extra on top.€ Whether or not BB-8 lives up to the hype remains to be see, but as of right now, it's not remotely hard to imagine this unique little droid becoming another beloved Star Wars icon.

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