Star Wars: The Force Awakens - 23 Major New Reveals You Need To See

18. Abandoned On Jakku

Following the Battle of Jakku (which will be made available as DLC for the upcoming Star Wars: Battlefront video game), it sounds like the planet - which is littered with the remains of Imperial and Rebels ships - becomes something of a junkyard, with Rey among those forced to scavenge what's left in them to survive. However, the magazine confirms that she was left there - with no idea why - as a child, and based on comments from actress Daisy Ridley, it definitely sounds finding out why her parents did that and who they are will be a big part of her arc in Star Wars: The Force Awakens. "She€™s been alone for a long time," the actress explains. "When something occurs when you€™re 5, you know what went on but you don€™t understand the reasoning. She's hopeful for what lies ahead, whether that involves the past or not." Could those abandonment issues fuel a turn to the Dark Side? "Hope makes people good, a lot of the time," Ridley adds. "You hope for a brighter future, and resentment is outweighed."

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