Star Wars: The Force Awakens - 30 Easter Eggs & References You Need To See

6. €œBEN€

The issue of who Kylo Ren is based on is a pretty big one. Obviously the name Ben is a big reference to Obi Wan Kenobi, but it could also be a nod to Ben Skywalker, the Expanded Universe son of Luke and Mara Skywalker. The most obvious reference point though is probably Jacen Solo, who also fell to the Dark Side in the Legacy of The Force book series after training under Luke. He was also repsonsible for a big Skywalker clan death, after killing his aunt Mara, so the parallels probably aren't accidental. He's very much also a dark mirror of Luke in the way his powers progressed, and the morality tale of what would have happened if he'd fallen to the dark. Interestingly, Poe Dameron's inspiration is far less rooted in Star Wars lore: he apparently got his name from Con Air hero Cameron Poe.

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