Star Wars: The Force Awakens - 7 Reasons Killing Han Solo Would Be A Terrible Mistake
7. Everybody Wants Han To Stick Around For At Least Three Movies
To start out with the most obvious reason, then: Han Solo is Star Wars. Yes, there are other things that have come to define the franchise - Darth Vader, lightsabers, Yoda, the droids - but Han Solo is the single one aspect that defines the fun of Star Wars. He's the guy you want to be; the cool, devil-may-care rogue who jets around the galaxy getting into scrapes and adventures. And fans have waited to see him again for over thirty years. Because that's the main point here, really, isn't it? Fans of Star Wars have been hoping to see Han Solo up on the big screen again for over thirty years. Three decades, people! Granted, nobody ever really knew for sure whether Episode VII would actually happen, but there was hope. And then to just kill the guy off during the first film in a brand new trilogy of Star Wars movies... well, it seems like a huge waste of a beloved character, doesn't it? If you absolutely have to kill Han Solo, at least do it at the end of Episode IX after audiences have spent six more hours with their favourite scruffy-looking nerf-herder.
Sam Hill is an ardent cinephile and has been writing about film professionally since 2008. He harbours a particular fondness for western and sci-fi movies.