Star Wars: The Force Awakens - 7 Reasons Killing Han Solo Would Be A Terrible Mistake

4. It Would Sour Return Of The Jedi's Happy Ending

It might seem like an arbitrary excuse, all things considered, but there was something timeless about the ending of Return of the Jedi that - should The Force Awakens go down the Han Solo death route - could very well be spoiled. Can you imagine going back to watch Return of the Jedi, seeing that happy ending and knowing that Han is dead? Fact is, before Episode VII was unveiled, the Star Wars saga ended on a relatively happy note. The key players in the Empire were gone; Luke, Leia and Han had survived their ordeal; everything was looking up. Now, it's great that there's actually going to be a Star Wars: Episode VII, but by way of its very existence it cancels out a happy ending that has been in place for 30 or more years. And even the prequel trilogy couldn't ruin that. Consider that The Force Awaken emerges as a relatively fun and adventurous film (one without Han's death), and Return of the Jedi's resolution isn't effected. Kill Han, though, and you threaten to unravel part of what made the original trilogy great; that upbeat ending with the characters happily celebrating on Endor. Will fans ultimately embrace a Star Wars film if it changes how they perceive that happy ending? If it means they watch Han die?

Sam Hill is an ardent cinephile and has been writing about film professionally since 2008. He harbours a particular fondness for western and sci-fi movies.