Star Wars: The Force Awakens - 7 Reasons Killing Han Solo Would Be A Terrible Mistake

1. The Fan Backlash Would Be Incalculable

Handled in a way that felt sensitive and - above all - "right," there's a chance that Han's death might be received well by a moderate number of Star Wars fans. Realistically, though, the killing of Han Solo - no matter how tastefully or brilliantly or epically it's done - will create a huge backlash; one with the potential to divide the Star Wars fanbase to an extent that is yet to be experienced. Star Wars fan are, after all, incredibly protective over the characters and Han Solo is near on everybody's favourite. As a cultural event, there's no use pretending that Han Solo's demise would provoke anything other than huge reaction all over the world. Everybody who's anybody will end up throwing in their two cents on the matter, debating whether it was the right decision, taking to the internet to voice either their disappointment or admiration. A total meltdown. Above all, though, a lot of people are going to be really, really sad if the rumours do turn out to be true. Star Wars is an entity treasured by millions and millions of people; it is one of the single largest franchises on the planet; Han Solo is one of its flagship characters - an icon of nostalgia who many won't take kindly to seeing murdered. If they do opt to kill Han off in Episode VII, here's hoping that there is a seriously good reason for doing so. What do you make of the rumours about Han Solo's death? Do you think the space pirate should live or die? Let us know all yours thoughts in the comments.

Sam Hill is an ardent cinephile and has been writing about film professionally since 2008. He harbours a particular fondness for western and sci-fi movies.