Star Wars: The Force Awakens - 7 Reasons Killing Han Solo Would Be A Terrible Mistake

2. Harrison Ford Has An Opportunity To Make Good Movies Again - Don't Stop That!

Cast your eye back across the last decade of Harrison Ford movies and you'll notice something rather sad about his filmography. Harrison Ford, once the highest-grossing actor of all-time, hasn't made a genuinely good movie (in which he was the leading man) since, oh, What Lies Beneath back in 2000 - and even the quality of that picture is debatable. With Star Wars: The Force Awakens, Ford has a genuine, bonafide opportunity on his hands: the chance to make a bunch of really good films to seal his legacy. Killing his character off in the first Episode simply deprives the man of a playing a role that is actually worthy of his talents for the next few years. Without Star Wars, he's bound to go back to relative obscurity, making bizarre career choices like The Age of Adeline and Paranoia. It doesn't make sense to cut Ford out of the series. He's arguably the biggest reason why fans of the franchise are so excited to go back: to see Harrison Ford on top again.

Sam Hill is an ardent cinephile and has been writing about film professionally since 2008. He harbours a particular fondness for western and sci-fi movies.