Star Wars: The Force Awakens - 8 Huge Questions Finally Answered

6. Why Is The Movie Called "The Force Awakens"?

The obvious answer here is that Star Wars Episode VII has "The Force Awakens" as a subtitle because the Force is awakened when Rey is thrust into this adventure, and that's actually quite accurate. However, there's a lot more significance to this title than you might expect, and that's something which the official novelisation makes clear when it explains what happened after the tragic events which sent Luke Skywalker into hiding. After Ben Solo and the Knights of Ren murdered Luke's new Jedi Order, the Force apparently went dormant, with even those who could sense its presence now unable to (it's previously been explained that the events of Revenge Of The Sith led to something similar). It's only when Finn and Rey meet and the latter starts unknowingly using her dormant abilities that a ripple is sent out indicating the Force's awakening. Kylo Ren and Supreme Leader Snoke sense that, and it seems like their fear of Luke Skywalker stems from the fact that they're worried his return would have a similar effect, leading to the emergence of more new Jedi. It's not until later on that the two villains discover this, but these details lead to a whole new host of questions which we're unfortunately not going to get the answers to until the release of Episode VIII next year!

Josh Wilding hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.