Star Wars: The Force Awakens - 8 Huge Questions Finally Answered

4. Just How Many Scenes Were Cut?

J.J. Abrams revealed in a recent interview that there are around twenty minutes of deleted scenes from Star Wars: The Force Awakens, and while we don't know what all of them will entail, at least a few have been revealed through sources like the official novelisation and Visual Dictionary. We know at least one of them will focus on Korr Sella, the character played by Maisie Richardson-Sellers who was almost cut out entirely. Her arc would have featured Leia dispatching Sella to Hosnian Prime to inform the New Republic of the capabilities of The First Order's Starkiller Base, only for her to obviously then be killed. This was supposed to lead to the General feeling an immense amount of grief for sending her ally there instead of attending herself (Leia was afraid to go because she remained convinced that First Order spies would attempt to assassinate her). Another lengthy sequence which didn't make the final cut is a snowspeeder chase involving Finn and Rey, but by far the coolest one we know about is Kylo Ren and a group of Snowtroopers boarding the Millennium Falcon following its crash landing on the Starkiller Base. You can see a glimpse of that above, and it would have also featured the former Ben Solo sitting in the ship's cockpit and remembering his past life.

Josh Wilding hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.