Star Wars: The Force Awakens - 8 Huge Things They Didn't Show Us In The Trailer

4. Rey With A Lightsaber

The trailer€™s money shot was undeniably Finn, armed with a lightsaber readying to take on the approaching Kylo Ren. Yet, in spite of all the materials thus far painting Finn as the wielder of the blue lightsaber, many still believe that it will actually be Rey who turns out to be a Jedi, and that the lightsaber will ultimately belong to her.

If this is to be the case, then the trailers have done a remarkably effective job of alleviating suspicion. Going in thinking Finn will wield the powerful weapon based on what we€™ve been shown only for Rey to be revealed as the one truly in control would be a great twist. To show her holding the lightsaber at any point in the trailer would immediately give this idea away.

Much like the possibility of Rey being Han and Leia's daughter, however, her status as a Jedi is far from confirmed. Nonetheless, this sort of bait-and-switch scenario reads exactly like something Abrams would do. Furthermore, it makes a lot of sense that the new series could opt for a completely different protagonist with a female, in an attempt to avoid re-hashing Luke's journey. And for all of the value rumours have, this one has popped up an astonishing amount for it to have been false.

So in this case, while it would be amazing to Rey armed with the lightsaber in combat, it€™s probably for the best that we wait for this potential reveal, should it even come to pass.


Connor loves movies, comics, and TV, and is trying to write for people who feel the same way. When he's not sitting on the couch with his laptop, you might find him lying in his bed with his laptop.