Star Wars: The Force Awakens - 8 Huge Things They Didn't Show Us In The Trailer

5. General Hux

With so much focus on the main baddie Kylo Ren and the imposing Captain Phasma, the third villain of their triumvirate, General Hux, has been seemingly lost in the shuffle at the moment. All we really know about the character so far is that Domhnall Gleeson is playing him and that he operates the Starkiller Base for the First Order.

Will he sport Gleeson€™s Irish accent? What sort of demeanour will he have? They€™re simple questions but considering the magnitude of his character, even a singular shot of him would have been nice. It€™s not like it would have taken much to characterize him, since just a couple of lines from Kylo Ren immediately conveyed a sense of who he was, how he operated and what he sounded like.

Obviously Hux isn€™t as important as Ren, and there€™s not enough time in the trailer to fit in every one of the characters, but his omission is still one of the more notable absences in the trailer.


Connor loves movies, comics, and TV, and is trying to write for people who feel the same way. When he's not sitting on the couch with his laptop, you might find him lying in his bed with his laptop.