Star Wars: The Force Awakens - 8 Reasons It's Better The Second Time

3. You Can Really Soak In The Intricacies Of John Williams' Original Score

Star Wars fans have had years and years to appreciate John Williams' scores, each and every one of them a gem (Williams' scores were arguably the best thing about the prequels, too); a lot of fans have memorised every leitmotif and melody inherent to the music of Star Wars, but that's the sort of thing you manage after countless viewings. Sitting through The Force Awakens just once barely gives you any time to appreciate the great work that the legendary composer did on the movie. The first time you watch The Force Awakens, the music seems like one of the less notable elements; processing the images and the dialogue takes priority, because you're desperate for those to work. Due to that, Williams' score might have felt a tad underwhelming for a good number of fans. But consider that the other Star Wars scores have been studied and adored for decades, every note and bar scrutinised all out of proportion. As such, going back to Episode VII for round two means that there's more time to appreciate Williams' work as you watch the film play out. As you'd expect, intricate compositions and character themes are woven through the body of the movie, revealing a rich tapestry of classic Williams magic. If you came away thinking that The Force Awakens was slightly lacking in the musical score department, wait until you've seen it again to make your mind up; you'll be surprised at just how much more noticeable the musical cues are the second time through.

Sam Hill is an ardent cinephile and has been writing about film professionally since 2008. He harbours a particular fondness for western and sci-fi movies.