Star Wars: The Force Awakens - Ranking The Original Characters Worst To Best

2. Leia

Even with decades having gone by without the two characters being on the big screen, the charm and chemistry between Leia and Han felt like it never left, with the exchanges between the two - as parents, as friends, and as estranged lovers - coming across as a natural extension of where we last left off with them, albeit informed by the events that have happened since. Aside from being a general and a longing mother, she's still the character we knew; older and wiser, sure, but still armed with the matter-of-fact attitude that won fans over in the original trilogy. From the way she quickly deals with the revelation of Finn's status as an ex-stormtrooper to how she asks Han to bring their son home to the way she comforts Rey, her good heart, her ability to see the best in people, and understanding of the bigger picture still shines through. Between the dramatic material just waiting to be mined from reuniting with Luke and inevitably facing her son again, as well as the fact she's still incredibly Force sensitive despite not following the path of the Jedi, it's pretty clear Leia's role is only going to continue to expand going forward and move even further away from her days as a princess.

Writer, film enthusiast, part-time gamer and watcher of (mostly) good television located on the fringe of Los Angeles, who now has his own website at!