Star Wars: The Last Jedi - 10 Predictions For The Biggest Ever Twist

2. Luke Skywalker Is Snoke

Star Wars The Force Awakens Luke Skywalker

The Theory

Some of the "evidence" pointing to who Snoke really is seems to focus pretty heavily on his appearance - as if his scars are definitive indication that he's Vader, or Ren. Who is to say that Snoke even looks like that?

What if Yoda's prophecy about Luke's incomplete Jedi training and impulsiveness being a path to the Dark Side were far more true than anyone could have guessed and that Luke's isolation and investigation of the Force led him to realise the appeal of the Dark Side.

He could have constructed the Snoke persona - using a holographic projection, since that's a fairly convenient contrivance of Snoke's character - as a means to lead Kylo Ren to the Dark Side while hiding his own turn from his family and former allies.

Would It Be Shocking Enough?

You bet your ass it would be.


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