Star Wars: The Last Jedi - 10 Predictions For The Biggest Ever Twist

1. Darth Vader Lives Again

Darth Vader Mask

The Theory

Obsessed with the mythology of his grandfather, Kylo Ren could be drawn to the teachings of Darth Plagueis and could eventually master his mysterious resurrection powers to bring Darth Vader back.

Even better, what if the revived Darth Vader ended up being the enemy of the Dark Side and bringing Snoke, Kylo Ren and the First Order down himself? That would be an almighty kick in the teeth for those who idolised him and an even more satisfying end to Anakin Skywalker's arc.

And in a way - if Luke was able to end the old ways of the Jedi at the same time - it would fulfil his prophecy as the Chosen One who would bring balance to the Force.

Would It Be Shocking Enough?

At this stage, Vader returning still feels inevitable in some way, but Disney actually pulling the trigger on it would still be a huge deal.

What do you want Star Wars: The Last Jedi's massive revelation to be? Share your thoughts below in the comments thread.


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