Star Wars: The Last Jedi - 23 WTF Moments
6. Why Aren’t All Troopers Made Of Chrome?
Before the climax of Phasma's final fight with Finn - just as BB-8 comes in with the cheer-inducing save, in fact - the chrome trooper seems to have the advantage, pinning Rose down behind scant cover as things start to look bad for the new hero.
The exact moment Rose knows she's screwed comes when she shoots Phasma with her blaster only to see the blast bounce off her shiny armour as if it's no more than rain water. Phasma barely flinches and simply carries on shooting back, so why the hell aren't ALL stormtroopers given this armour if it's impenetrable to blasters?
And on the same subject, a Canto Bight policeman's helmet failing to protect him from a bonk on the head from a pair of leather boots (at which point he's rendered unconscious) is a new low point for supposedly protective armour in this universe.