Star Wars: The Last Jedi - 6 Biggest Reveals From Force Friday II

1. The Topps Plot Hints (With Potential Basic Spoilers)

Star Wars The Last Jedi Rey Luke Skywalker

Topps Cards are producing a Journey to The Last Jedi series, and for Force Friday II their website now has new details on the different decks that will be released. One of them, The Last Jedi base deck, pertains directly to the movie itself, and looking at the titles (via Star Wars Net) it does give us a vague outline of the beats the movie is going to follow:

91 Rey’s Solitude

92 General Leia Organa

93 Rey and her Lightsaber

94 On Crait

95 Rushing to Attack

96 Finn’s Recovery

97 Poe Responds

98 The Fury of Kylo Ren

99 Shards of the Past

100 Luke’s Grim Perspective

101 Ski Speeder Assault

102 Walkers Incoming

103 The Resistance

104 The Resistance X-wing

105 The Resistance A-wing

106 The Battle Commences

107 Frigates Under Fire

108 The Resistance Vs. The First Order

109 The Millennium Falcon Flees

There's a lot there that fits with what we've already seen in the trailers, though with a few differences - the Battle of Crait appears to come earlier than initially expected, for example. Heroes United, meanwhile, could mean we have to wait until the end of the movie for Luke and Leia to be brought back together. That's if the list is in chronological order, anyway, which isn't a given at this stage.

What were your favourite reveals from Force Friday II? Which toys will you be buying? Share your thoughts down in the comments.


NCTJ-qualified journalist. Most definitely not a racing driver. Drink too much tea; eat too much peanut butter; watch too much TV. Sadly only the latter paying off so far. A mix of wise-old man in a young man's body with a child-like wonder about him and a great otherworldly sensibility.