Star Wars: The Last Jedi - 8 Big Questions We Have After The Trailer
Will Luke and Rey eventually come to blows?

It’s been a long time coming, but after that initial teaser dropped at Star Wars Celebration in April, the first main trailer for Star Wars: The Last Jedi has finally been released online.
It’s packed full of interesting dialogue, gorgeous action and plenty of great character moments (including our first in-movie look at Supreme Leader Snoke in his snazzy golden robe), but like all Star Wars marketing usually does, it’s left us with a lot more questions than answers.
Unfortunately, we’ll have to wait around two months to actually gain those answers, but on the plus side, the lead-up to a Star Wars movie is arguably the most exciting period on the movie calendar. The anticipation is palpable, and the trailer only added to the hype, adequately serving its primary purpose of getting us talking about everything contained within it.
There are plenty of small details we could discuss (what is that porg doing on the Falcon? Will Phasma actually do anything this time? Does Luke oil his robo-hand?) but now more than ever, The Last Jedi has us asking important questions about its story, and there are more than a few that demand answers...
8. Who Is Snoke Talking To?

The trailer opens with the ominous voice of Supreme Leader Snoke, who gives a quote that’s accompanied by several images of Kylo Ren.
Well… mostly Kylo Ren.
The quote goes:
“When I found you, I saw raw, untamed power. And beyond that… something truly special.”
Upon first watching the trailer it’s natural to assume he’s talking to Kylo - until you watch it again and realise that the last part of that quote (“something truly special”) is immediately followed by a shot of Rey powering up a lightsaber.

And, if you read the entire quote, it could easily be applied to Rey, as well as Kylo.
Granted, Snoke hasn’t met her in person yet, but he knows of her (and the trailer shows that the two will be in the same room at some point), so that covers the “found you” part, and the bit about raw power could obviously be aimed at Rey, given her recently-discovered Force abilities.
And then… “something truly special.” Rey is very clearly a special person with special power (power capable of scaring the legendary Luke Skywalker), so it wouldn’t be surprising to discover that Snoke wants her on his side.