Star Wars: The Last Jedi - 8 Major Plot Theories You Need To Know

5. Why Holdo Didn't Tell Poe Her Plan

Star Wars The Last Jedi Rey Poe Related Theory

At face value, Admiral Holdo's decision to withhold details of her plan - which was to flee down to Crait on smaller, harder-to-detect ships - was needless, and only worsened an already-stressful situation.

But if you consider this decision from her point of view, it starts to make more sense.

Imagine you're Admiral Holdo - the First Order just inexplicably tracked your ship through hyperspace. How did they do that? Your first thought would probably be that there's a spy onboard, claiming to be one of your own. With that in mind, wouldn't you want to keep your new escape plan a secret, lest it leak out and doom the rebellion?

Something else to consider is that Holdo doesn't owe Poe anything. He isn't in a position of authority (would you walk up to your boss and ask to see the company bank records?), and his only job is to do what he's told by his superiors.

Poe was also recently demoted, and information about Holdo's plan is on a need-to-know basis - Poe doesn't really need to know.

All Holdo knew about Poe was that he was reckless and frequently disobeyed direct orders, and on that basis, divulging sensitive information wouldn't have been a wise movie on her part.


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