Star Wars The Last Jedi: 8 Plot Theories From The Expanded Universe

3. Chewbacca’s Noble Sacrifice

last jedi

From Han Solo in The Force Awakens to absolutely everyone in Rogue One, Disney has shown that they aren’t afraid to get a bit kill crazy on the characters in the Star Wars universe. The next theory could potentially prove to be a step too far for fans but it wouldn’t be out of character. Wait for it... Chewbacca is going to sacrifice himself to save the remaining heroes.

If the red lettering and wording of the title are literal and audiences are about to witness a film with a tone similar to that of The Empire Strikes Back, it would make sense that an iconic character would be at the receiving end of a dramatic death.

Why Chewbacca? Firstly, he was the first major character to be killed off in the expanded universe during the events of the novel Vector Prime in which he sacrifices himself to save Han Solo’s son. Also, although it’s not entirely relevant, it is worth mentioning that he dies by being crushed by a moon because, if nothing else, that’s a hell of a way to go.

It’s plausible that some reconciliation could take place if Kylo finds his way back to the light leading to a similar sacrifice scenario (maybe without the moon though). After all, everyone’s favourite Wookie will surely have a soft spot for the young man who is, essentially, his nephew.

Han Chewie Force Awakens

Finally, there’s the issue that without Han Solo, Chewbacca may not have the same staying power. It’s just not going to be the same hearing him growl without a snarky response from Harrison Ford.


A pop culture mad writer from the North East who loves films, television and debating them with whoever will listen. Follow me on Twitter @Johno_Patterson