Star Wars: The Last Jedi - 9 Major Blunders Fans Can't Ignore
8. Rose Almost Dooms The Rebellion To Save Finn For No Reason

Cut to the end of the film, and in a desperate act to deliver a blow to an encroaching First Order, Finn mounts a suicidal offensive against their "Battering Ram Cannon" (a terrible name). Leia and Poe note that taking this thing out is the only option the Resistance have, and as Finn locks into a trajectory, the music swells and we accept his death...
... until it's wrenched away from us by Rose.
Now, outside of Rose and Finn's chemistry being non-existent and their "romance" only happening because the script says so, this moment is especially egregious because the Resistance have no other plan.
Rose doesn't know Luke is about to arrive, and as she states that the Resistance shouldn't be "fighting for what we hate [but] fighting for what we love", the cannon goes off behind her, killing - again, as far as she and the audience know - all her friends in one fell swoop.
It is pure luck that Luke turns up and that the cannon doesn't wipe everyone out - all because Rose doesn't think his sacrifice would've been worth it, considering what was going down.